Costaño School of the ArtsTop of Page
A Turnaround Arts School
2695 Fordham Street
East Palo Alto, CA 94303
Phone: (650) 329-2830 Fax: (650) 838-3365
Ronda White
Elizabeth Kerridge
Assistant Principal
Ms. Maria Diaz
Administrative Assistant
Our MissionTop of Page
At Costaño Elementary School, we develop our students’ knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving skills. We encourage curiosity, creativity, empathy, and the journey of becoming a lifelong learner.
Costaño is proud to be a nationally recognized Turnaround Arts School that utilizes the arts as a vehicle to empower our students to create, to think critically, and to reach their unique individual potential. At Costaño, families can expect that the arts (music, visual arts, and drama) will be interwoven throughout children’s school day.
Our Core ValuesTop of Page
- August: Community
- September: Responsibility
- Octuber: Integrity
- November: Compassion
- December: Compassion
- January: Respect
- February: Kidness
- March: Honestly
- April: Perseverance
- May: Emphathy
Follow Us on Social MediaTop of Page
Stay connected to Costaño by following us on one of these platforms:
Facebook: Costaño Elementary School
Instagram: @costanoarts
Costaño Elementary School is proud to be a nationally recognized Turnaround Arts School that utilizes the arts as a vehicle to empower our students to create, to think critically, and to reach their unique individual potential.

Ravenswood City School District
The Ravenswood City School District (RCSD) in San Mateo County is a unique academic environment that draws from the culturally rich communities of East Palo Alto and eastern Menlo Park. The ethnic make-up of the population is predominantly Hispanic (80%), African American (9%), Pacific Islander (12%) and other (4%). RCSD serves more than 1,500 students in transitional kindergarten through eighth grades in six schools that includes one middle school, one Spanish-English dual immersion academy and two elementary schools serving TK through 5th grade.